How Long Does Eyelash Tint Last?
Arguably eyes are the most attractive features on our faces. Most of our daily interactions involve us facing people, and having to “look them in the eye”. This is why a lot of effort and time is taken by both men and women alike to make their eyes more endearing. From the innovation of contact lenses to eyelash extensions, lash lifts, lash tints, and mascara we are all striving to make our eyes look better and in turn our faces more beautiful.
We should take note that most of these efforts are particularly geared towards accentuating our eyelashes. Long, thick, and fuller eyelashes have often been viewed as more attractive. This is not necessarily the case, whether we have long thick lashes or not we are still attractive. Eyes are referred to as the windows to our souls, so while trying to make them prettier we should take care not to harm them. This article looks at the eyelash tint and its features specifically how long they last on our lashes.
Eyelash Tint
Eyelash tint creates the illusion that one has applied mascara. Mascara accentuates our eyelashes, it darkens, thickens, makes them appear longer and more defined. Eyelash tint basically does the same role, eyelash tinting is permanent or semi-permanent dyeing of the eyelashes. The particular dye to be used depends on your preference, though a semi-permanent dye is overly preferred over the permanent one. This is because the ingredients of a semi-permanent dye are less harmful to the eye.
The introduction of vegetable-based dye into the eyelash tinting business has brought a huge relief to both lash technicians and clients alike. Unlike both permanent and semi-permanent dyes, the vegetable-based dye has no harmful effects on the eyes at all. It thus enables a lady to have denser, darker, and longer eyelashes without the lingering concern for the safety of the eyes.
Eyelash tinting is the least tedious way of enhancing our eyelashes as compared to the other means of eyelash enhancement. We are going to briefly compare eye lashing tinting to eyelash lifts, eyelash extensions, and applying mascara and give you more reasons to choose eyelash tinting the next time you schedule a meeting with your eyelash technician.
Comparison With Other Means Of Eyelash Enhancement
Eyelash Extension
Eyelash extension is the process of attaching either mink, synthetic, faux mink, or silk fibers to our natural eyelashes. Eyelash extensions perform the same role of lengthening, darkening, and making our lashes look denser.
An eyelash extension session lasts for two to two and a half hours depending on the skill and experience of your eyelash technician. An eyelash tinting session on the other hand lasts for about ten to thirty minutes. This means that you can save loads of time if you go for eyelash tinting. An eyelash extension requires a bit more maintenance, as it requires you to visit a lash technician every two weeks for refills.
Eyelash extensions and eyelash tinting both last for four to six weeks, the life cycle of your natural eyelashes. It is important to note that both of these processes are painless. An appointment with the lash technician will thus be prompted after this period lapses as new natural lashes will have grown.
Eyelash Lift
Eyelash lifts as the name suggests are the process of lifting and curling your lashes to add length and volume. It is a simple process that involves using a curling rod to straighten the lash from its base to the tip and a suitable lifting solution.
Similar to the other eyelash enhancement means, eyelash lifts also last for four to six weeks. An eyelash lift session is slightly longer than an eyelash tint session, it ranges from forty-five minutes to an hour. After an eyelash lift, one should avoid using mascara or any other form of make-up for 24 to 48 hours. You should also avoid any contact with water during this period, this is another reason to use lash tints rather than lash lifts.
Lash lifts also require a lot of maintenance, you need to apply lash oil regularly to maintain the curl. You need to conduct a test before using either of these processes as you could have an allergic reaction.
This is the oldest method of eyelash enhancement as it was invented in 1872. The process involves applying the cosmetic (mascara) on your natural eyelashes using an eyelash curler or mascara wand. Applying mascara makes your lashes look darker, fuller, and longer.
Mascara is the only eyelash enhancement method that you can carry out yourself at home, making it less costly than the other means. You only need mascara, an eyelash curler or mascara wand, and a mirror and you are good to go. The whole process is simple and you can learn from reading blogs and watching tutorials.
Being a DIY also has its downsides as mascara application is a daily routine, using eyelash tint is preferable as you have to do it only once in four to six weeks. Keeping in mind that an eyelash tint gives an illusion of wearing mascara, we can undoubtedly say that it is the better alternative.
Having compared eyelash tinting to other ways of eyelash enhancement and discovering that it is the better alternative, we can educate ourselves on the process and its upsides and downsides. Then we can finally look at the main aim of this article which is to explain how long an eyelash tint lasts.
Application Of An Eyelash Tint
As stated earlier the process is not easy, you should do it at a salon that has good reviews and also ensure that the lash technician is licensed.
- Choose the appropriate eyelash dye kit. The most common colors used in the tinting process are black and brown. Although there are other colors for those who prefer colorful lashes. It is preferable to use vegetable-based dyes during these steps as they are less likely to harm our eyes
- Carry out a sensitivity test. This is called a patch test, apply a bit of the dye on your neck and observe the reaction.
- Mix the dye with an activator.
- Thoroughly stir the mixture until it forms a thick paste.
- Apply the eye dye. Clean your whole face to remove makeup or dirt around your eye before applying the dye. Create a barrier around the eyes by applying petroleum jelly, the barrier prevents the dye from getting smeared on your face. Use a wand to put the dye on your eyelashes, keep your hands steady during this step to avoid the dye getting into your eye. Let the dye settle for about twenty minutes and then clean off the wet dye with warm water.
How Long Does An Eyelash Tint Last?
As previously stated, all means of eyelash enhancement with the exception of mascara last for about four to six weeks. This is the normal life cycle of natural eyelashes, the old eyelashes are replaced with new ones and we have to repeat the process to make this new set beautiful.
Maintenance of eyelash tints is relatively easy when compared to the other means of eyelash enhancement. There should be no contact with the lashes 24 hours after the treatment, also avoid contact with water, heat treatment, and applying makeup for the same period.
If later you feel uncomfortable with your new look and you want to make your lashes a tad lighter or you get a delayed allergic reaction. This should not stress you as you can remove the eyelash tint, you can use oils and the tint will lighten as time goes more. For those preferring a faster way, use a silicone or oil-based makeup cleanser. This only helps by getting some tint off, for complete removal contact a lash technician.
Eyelash tint is the most preferred method of eyelash enhancement. Like all the other means of eyelash enhancement, the effects of an eyelash tint last for about four to six weeks. It requires maintenance during this period so avoid the use of oils as they gradually lessen the tint. If you are uncomfortable with the tint and the 4-6 weeks have not lapsed you can lessen the tint to suit your preference.
Beautiful lashes lead to beautiful eyes which in turn results in an overly pleasant face. While trying to enhance our lashes through the variously discussed means, we should ensure that we do not end up harming our eyes. Carry out extensive research and choose a salon that has good reviews and licensed technicians to prevent this. They are also guaranteed to give the highest level of service and customer satisfaction.